What we believe

  1. The triune personhood of God as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the historical incarnation of the Son of God through the Virgin Mary.
  2. The substitutionary sin-bearing death, bodily resurrection, present heavenly reign, and future return to judgement of Jesus Christ the incarnate Son.
  3. The universality of sin, the present justification of sinners by grace through faith in Christ alone, and their supernatural regeneration and new life through the Holy Spirit.
  4. The calling of the Church and of all Christian people to a life of holiness and prayer according to the Scriptures.
  5. The primacy of evangelism and nurture in each local church’s task of setting forth the kingdom of God.
  6. The significance of personal present repentance and faith as determining eternal destiny.
  7. The finality of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ and the uniqueness of his ministry as our prophet, priest and king, and the only Saviour of sinners.
  8. The infallibility and supreme authority of “God’s Word written” and its clarity and sufficiency for the resolving of disputes about Christian faith and life. (SeeĀ Article 20)

If you would like to investigate more about what we believe, we’d be glad to explore what the bible says with you. One way is to join one of our Exploring Christianity courses.